ConCarolinas 2016 has ended
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James Nettles

Literary Guest
James Nettles (jamespnettles.com) has an over 30 year career consulting in various technologies, is an author, writing science fiction, fantasy, urban fantasy, horror, and contemporary fiction and nonfiction on business, technology, privacy, security, and entrepreneurism. He is the founder of Author Essentials (authoressentials.net), a company founded for the education of creatives on building and doing business, the business dean for the S[eculative Fiction Academy (speculativefictionacademy.com), the host of the Creating Pros Podcast (CreatingPros.com) and one of the founders of the Con-Tinual Convention, an ongoing, online convention since 2020.
Short stories and more can be found at: https://www.jim-mcdonald.net/
Non-fiction and appearances can be found at: https://www.jamespnettles.com/
Email: jim@jim-mcdonald.net
Twitter:  @JPNettlesAuthor
Instagram: @JPNettlesAuthor
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/jimmacauthor